Thursday, December 5, 2019

AME(Approval Management Engine) Setups

AME Setups

This Post is going to describe how to use AME for Requisition approvals. Purchase requisition and Purchase orders can be approved using AME. AME Stands for Approval Management Engine.

We are going to perform the setup steps one by one and see a demo test case. We are going to perform this case on R12.1.3

Setup Steps

1) AME Profile Options
2) Assign AME Roles and Responsibilities
3) Grant Transaction Type Access to User
4) Create New Transaction Types
5) Approval Process Setup
6) Enable AME for Requisition Approval

Step 2) Assign AME Roles and Responsibilities

Navigate to User Management Responsibility > Users

Query for the User. In our case its Apps_User

Click on Update and then Assign Roles

Now Query for "Approvals%" and select "Approval Management Administrator" and "Approval Management Business Analyst"

Click Select

Put some justification and click apply. A message will be displayed "You have successfully updated the information "

Step 3) Grant Transaction Type Access to User

Next step is to Grant Transaction Type Access to User.

Navigate to Functional Administrator >Security > Grants> Create Grants

Fill In below Information in the next form

Name = Apps_User Grants
Grantee Type = Specific User
Grantee = Apps_User
Object = AME Transaction Types

Click On next

Data Context Type = All Rows
Click Next

Set = AME Calling Applications

Click Next and review and clicking on Finish will display "Grant '' has been created successfully."

Step 4) Create new Transaction Type

You can use existing transaction type also or can create your own. Lets Create a new Transaction type.

Navigate to Approval Management Administrator (This Responsibility will be available now because it was assigned in step 2) and Click On "Create Transaction Type"

Enter Information as shown below or create your own Transaction type

Click Next, Select Line Item from Drop Down and Click "Go"

Change the Order Number to 2

Post below in the query. I copied it from earlier Requisition approval transaction type.

select prd.distribution_id from po_req_distributions_all prd, 
po_requisition_lines_all prl
where prl.requisition_header_id = po_ame_setup_pvt.get_new_req_header_id(:transactionId) 
and prl.requisition_line_id = prd.requisition_line_id  
and nvl(prl.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N' 
and nvl(prl.modified_by_agent_flag, 'N') = 'N' 
order by prd.distribution_id 

Click on Validate, a message will be displayed "The query is valid" and now click on "Apply".

Click on Next and enter the details as shown in below screenshot.

Click on Validate Button after entering each value. Below are the value. I copy pasted from seeded transaction type defined

select decode(PO_AME_SETUP_PVT.is_system_approver_mandatory(:transactionId), 
'N', 'true', 'false') 
from dual 

select decode (PO_AME_SETUP_PVT.can_preparer_approve(:transactionId),
'Y', 'true', 'false') 
from dual

select wf_item_key  from   po_requisition_headers_all where  requisition_header_id = po_ame_setup_pvt.get_new_req_header_id(:transactionId)

select wf_item_type from   po_requisition_headers_all where  requisition_header_id = po_ame_setup_pvt.get_new_req_header_id(:transactionId)

Now Click On next and Finish Button. A confirmation message will be displayed as "Transaction type Mandeep Purchase Requisition Approval has been created successfully."

Step 5) Approval Process Setup

Next is to define Attributes, Conditions, Actions Types, Approval Group, Rules etc

Navigate to Approval Management Business Analyst > Business Analyst Dashboard

In Approval Process Setup, Query for Transaction Type as "Mandeep Purchase Requisition Approval".


Next Click on Attributes. Click On "Use Existing Attributes"

Now select the attributes as shown below and click Go

Select REQUISTION_TOTAL and Click On Continue

Select Usage Type as Dynamic and Copy below sql there

SELECT nvl(SUM(decode(order_type_lookup_code, 'RATE', amount, 'FIXED PRICE', amount, quantity * unit_price)), 0), po_ame_setup_pvt.get_function_currency(max(requisition_header_id)), po_ame_setup_pvt.get_rate_type(max(requisition_header_id)) from po_requisition_lines_all where requisition_header_id = po_ame_setup_pvt.get_new_req_header_id(:transactionId) and nvl(cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N' and nvl(modified_by_agent_flag, 'N') = 'N' 

Click on Validate and then Finish will display a message "Attribute REQUISITION_TOTAL has been created successfully."

Similarly do same for Item category. Click on Use Existing Attributes. Select Attributes as shown below

Select Item Category and click Continue

Select Usage Type as Dynamic and Copy below sql there

select mck.concatenated_segments from mtl_categories_b_kfv mck, po_requisition_lines_all prl, po_req_distributions_all prd where mck.category_id = prl.category_id and prl.requisition_line_id = prd.requisition_line_id and prl.requisition_header_id = po_ame_setup_pvt.get_new_req_header_id(:transactionId) order by prd.distribution_id

Also Add Below Attributes for selecting action types

TRANSACTION_REQUESTOR_PERSON_ID(Required for Supervisory level Action Type)

select nvl(PREPARER_ID, 0) from po_requisition_headers_all where REQUISITION_HEADER_ID = po_ame_setup_pvt.get_new_req_header_id(:transactionId)

And Now add

ALLOW_EMPTY_APPROVAL_GROUPS(Required for approval-group chain of authority Action Type)


Next is to specify Conditions. Click on Setups> Conditions > then click on Create

Condition for Item Category

Condition for Requisition Total

Action Types

Now click on action types and select use existing actions

Select below value and click Continue

  • Supervisory level
  • Approval-Group Chain of authority

and click on Finish "The selected action types have been added successfully."

Approver Groups

Now click on Approver Groups and click on Create Button.

Enter Name, description , Order number, Voting Method. and add approvers

Click Apply. Similarly create other approver groups.

Give order number

AME Rule Setups

Now ;lets use condition and approver groups to create rules. Click on Rule

Click on Create.

Enter Rule details like Name, End date will automatically come and you can change it also. Click Next and Add Conditions.

Select Conditions which is created earlier or use from exiting conditions. Click Continue. You can add more conditions here and then click next and add actions

Click Next and Review

Click on Finish "Rule Supervisior has been created successfully".

Similarly create rule for Item Category Condition

Click Finish "Rule Item Category has been created successfully."

Step 6) Enable AME for Requisition Approval

Next step is to enable AME for requisition approval.

Navigate to Purchasing super user>Setup>Purchasing>Document Type and search for Purchase requisition

Add "Mandeep_Purchase_REQ" in Approval Transaction Type and save

This complete our AME setups.

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