Advanced Sql Queries
Lesson: Pseudo Columns & Functions
Welcome to our free Advanced Oracle SQL Queries tutorial. This tutorial is based
on Webucator's Advanced Oracle SQL Queries course.
Oracle SQL can do more than simply retrieve data from tables. There are features
of the language which allow certain values that are not explicitly included in the
database to be derived or calculated. This chapter will explore several of the
features of the language which provide these capabilities.
Lesson Goals
- Use the Dual table.
- Use functions.
- Use Pseudo-columns.
- Use Rowid.
- Use Rownum.
Using the Dual Table
The DUAL table is a special table supplied as part of the Oracle data dictionary. This table
has one column called DUMMY and a single row containing the value X. Oracle processes
and user-defined programs can reference this table to retrieve a single row (which is useful
for executing functions).
To test a function within a SQL query, use the DUAL table and supply the function name in
the SELECT clause of the query.
SELECT <function call> FROM dual;
The SYS_CONTEXT function returns the value of a supplied parameter related to the
context namespace. It can be used to retrieve information about the user'senvironment
using the USERENV namespace. It also can be used to retrieve application specific data
by using user defined context namespaces.
Code Sample:
SELECT sys_context('USERENV' , 'SESSION_USER') FROM dual;
This example returns the name of the current user using the sys_context FUNCTION.
It demonstrates the typical use of the dual table as well as one example of how
SYS_CONTEXT can be called.
Use the SYSCONTEXT Function
Duration: 10 to 15 minutes.
- Write queries that use the sys_context function to retrieve the IP_ADDRESS, HOST,
- LANGUAGE, ISDBA, SESSION_USER, DB_NAME values which are associated with
- the USERENV namespace.
-- -- Examples using the sys_context function -- SELECT sys_context('USERENV' , 'IP_ADDRESS') FROM dual; SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'HOST') FROM dual; SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'LANGUAGE') FROM dual; SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'ISDBA') FROM dual; SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'SESSION_USER') FROM dual; SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'DB_NAME') FROM dual;
A pseudo-column is not an actual column in a table. It is like a function in that it returns a
value when selected. Pseudocolumns exist that provide functionality related to hierarchical
queries, sequences (CURRVAL and NEXTVAL), flashback queries, system generated
identifiers, and XML.
Using Rowid
A Rowid provide quick access to a row. It is a unique identifier for a row within a cluster
(not necessarily the entire database). It is the fastest possible access to a row of a given
table. To retrieve a Rowid use the ROWID pseudocolumn in the SELECT clause.
To access a row using Rowid use the ROWID pseudocolumn in the WHERE clause.
A Rowid is not necessarily unique throughout the database.
PLEASE NOTE: The following example involves the use of a cluster (an object that contains
data from one or more tables). Use of clusters is an advanced topic related to performance
tuning. It is only introduced here to demonstrate that there is not a guarantee that a rownum
will be unique throughout the entire database.
Often a Rowid value uniquely identifies a row for the entire database. However, rows in
different tables and stored in the same cluster might have duplicate Rowids. In the following
example, a DBA may query a data dictionary table (which holds metadata about the
database itself). A number of tables are returned that share the same cluster name (C_OBJ#).
SELECT cluster_name, table_name FROM dba_tables WHERE cluster_name='C_OBJ#';
A DBA could now query two of the objects and show the resulting Rowids that appear in
both clusters.
SELECT rowid FROM sys.icol$ INTERSECT SELECT rowid FROM sys.ind$;
Remember, although Rowids are often unique, they are not guaranteed to be unique in
the entire database - only a given cluster.
Using Rownum
The ROWNUM pseudocolumn returns a number indicating the order in which Oracle selects
the row result of a query. It can be used to limit the results returned from a query. Unlike
ROWID, which is associated with a row in a table, a ROWNUM is assigned when a number
is retrieved into memory. The ROWNUM assigned remains with the row when an
ORDER BY is used.
Code Sample:
SELECT * FROM departments WHERE rownum < 10;
ROWNUM can be used to limit the number of rows returned by a query.
However, be aware that an ORDER BY will reorder the columns.
Code Sample:
SELECT department_name, rownum FROM departments; SELECT department_name, rownum FROM departments ORDER BY department_name; SELECT department_name, rownum FROM departments WHERE rownum < 10 ORDER BY department_name;
The first two queries show the results of a SELECT without and then with an ORDER BY
clause without a ROWNUM reference in the WHERE clause. Note the first few rows
returned in each query. As expected the sort order is different. However, notice that the
values in the ROWNUM column are consistent.
The third query limits by ROWNUM, which the RDBMS processes prior to the ORDER BY.
You will see that, although the rows returned are in order by department_name, they are not
the first ten rows from the previous query. They are, however, the rows with the ROWNUM
values 1-10. Also notice that these are consistent values with the first two queries.
Code Sample:
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM departments ORDER BY department_name ) WHERE rownum < 10;
You can force the order by to follow the rownum limitation by using a subquery. Subqueries
will be covered in an upcoming chapter on using subqueries. For now, simply be aware that
there is a way to cause rownums to be evaluated after an ORDER BY clause. Also, bear in
mind that this query will retrieve all of the data from the table listed in the inner query
because it is selecting all columns from all rows. This might result in a significant performanc
e issue. In class where you are the only person connected to the database, using
SELECT * is acceptable. However when in a production environment, limit its use due to the
performance issue.
Using ROWNUM in UPDATE Statements
ROWNUM can be used to assign unique values to each row in a table when using an
UPDATE statement.
Code Sample:
CREATE TABLE mytable AS SELECT * FROM departments; ALTER TABLE mytable ADD test_col number; UPDATE mytable SET test_col=rownum; SELECT * FROM mytable;
In this example, we first create a table with the structure and content of the departments
table. Next, we add an additional column to the table that we will be populating. Both of
these actions will be described in greater detail in an upcoming lesson on Data Definition
Language (DDL).
Now an update statement is run. We can verify the results by running a simple SELECT
query on the table and see that a different number was assigned to the new column in each
Though ROWNUM is commonly used to limit results, be aware of the behavior related to
ordering mentioned earlier. One common misuse of ROWNUM is to limit data returned to
a single row. If not correctly specified, an arbitrary or incorrect row may be returned when
the desired result is the first row based upon a specified order.
The ROW_NUMBER function can be used to assign numbers in this manner as well.
Duration: 10 to 15 minutes.
- Get a list of all department names in the departments tables
- Add the ROWNUM pseudo-column to the SELECT clause
- Add an ORDER BY department_name. Notice that the rownum is retreived prior to
- ordering the results.
- Add ROWNUM to the WHERE clause to limit the results to those with ROWNUMS
- less than five.
--Initial list of department names SELECT department_name FROM departments; --Add ROWNUM to the SELECT clause SELECT rownum, department_name FROM departments; --Add ORDER BY department_name SELECT rownum, department_name FROM departments ORDER BY department_name; --Although we have not yet covered subqueries, note that you can force the ROWNUMS --to be assigned after the order by by using a subquery: SELECT department_name, rownum FROM ( SELECT department_name FROM departments ORDER BY department_name ); -- Add ROWNUM in the WHERE clause to limit to those less than five. SELECT * FROM departments WHERE ROWNUM < 5;
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