Friday, October 26, 2018

BPEL Database Adapter Part 2

BPEL Database Adapter Part 2

In this article I will explain how to pass parameters to the Database Adapter. This article is continuation of our previous Database Ad Tutorial 1.
Open previously created project in jdeveloper.
Now Double Click the ‘FetchEmail’ Database Adapter
Click the Define Adapter Service Icon
Click Next
In the Parameters Section Click Add Button
Enter Parameter Name as v_id
Click Ok
In the SQL Section click Edit Button
Click Yes
Click Add
In the Second Argument select Parameter option and select v_id
Click Ok
Click Next
Click Finish
Click Apply and Ok
Save Project CTRL+S
Now Double Click Invoke_FetchEmail activity and
Select Operation as FetchEmailSelect_v_id
Click Automatically Create Input Variable button and Automatically Create Output Variable buttons to create new variables
Click Apply and then OK
Save Project CTRL+S
Drag Assign Activity below the receiveInput and above the Invoke_FetchEmail

Double Click Assign_1 activity
Click Copy Operation tab
From Type: Variable
To Type: Variable
Click Ok
Click Apply and OK
Save project CTRL+S
Double Click Assign_Email
And change the Copy Operation as per below picture
Click Ok
Deploy the process
Select version as 1.1
Click Ok
Click BPEL Control
Click On DatabaseAdapterTutorial v 1.1
Enter the ID number as input and click submit
Output is displayed
Verify the output with Database

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