Friday, November 2, 2018

Concurrent Program Details: Name, Short name, Executable, Execution method, Trace

Concurrent Program Details: Name, Short name, Executable, Execution method, Trace

Script to fetch the following details
1. Concurrent Program Name
2. Concurrent Program Short Name
3. Concurrent Program Application Name
4. Executable Name
5. Executable Short Name
6. Executable Application Name
7. Execution Method
8. Execution file Name
9. Enable Trace flag
SELECT fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name ,
  fcp.concurrent_program_name short_name ,
  fat.application_name program_application_name ,
  fet.executable_name ,
  fat1.application_name executable_application_name ,
  flv.meaning execution_method ,
  fet.execution_file_name ,
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpt ,
  fnd_concurrent_programs fcp ,
  fnd_application_tl fat ,
  fnd_executables fet ,
  fnd_application_tl fat1 ,
WHERE 1                              =1
AND fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name='Supplier Audit Report'
AND fcpt.concurrent_program_id       = fcp.concurrent_program_id
AND fcpt.application_id              = fcp.application_id
AND fcp.application_id               = fat.application_id
AND fcpt.application_id              = fat.application_id
AND fcp.executable_id                = fet.executable_id
AND fcp.executable_application_id    = fet.application_id
AND fet.application_id               = fat1.application_id
AND flv.lookup_code                  = fet.execution_method_code

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