Please find an article that explains basics of a Java Concurrent Programs, with a working example, ciring various features of a Java
Concurrent Program.
Why the need for java concurrent program when we can write pl/sql concurrent programs?
Let’s admit PL/SQL is primarily an Oracle database language. What if you wish to do the following seamlessly in a single pl/sql concurrent
Scenario 1. FTP the file from a server securely, validate and load into apps using an API
Scenario 2. Connect to a non-oracle database using JDBC, fetch the data, load into Apps Custom tables, validate/transform and interface
using API.
For the above scenario (1), yes you may find a way of doing so PL/SQL, but that will be clumsy, as you will write a host program followed by
loader, followed by Oracle PL/SQL.
However in case of Java Concurrent Program, you can google on ftp classes, download, put those into your CLASSPATH, and its there to
be used.
For scenario(2), in PL/SQL your DBA will need to setup Gateways, which is an infrastructural overhead, and also an overkill for simple
requirement just to get data from a SQL*Server.
What should be the best practice for developing Java Concurrent Program?
Do not try to write massive PL/SQL operations inside java concurrent program directly. For simplicity, call a PL/SQL package
procedure/function with parameters from java concurrent program. I tend to use java only where PL/SQL is found to be deficient.
I wish to interface newly created employee records from PeopleSoft regularly, given that this specific PeopleSoft instance is in SQL*Server database, tell me the steps for such point to point interface? 1. Download free jdbc driver for SQL*Server from this link to an educational site
2. Unzip the jdbc zip file on you server, note down the directory location. You may decide to dump that into $JAVA_TOP, but please do not
clutter JAVA_TOP in apps.
3. Open jDeveloper, and ensure that your project has in its CLASSPATH the entire oracle FND Classes. You may need to FTP those classes
from $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/fnd to your PC.
Although, I vaguely remember that FND Classes come bundled with patch 4573517.
Develop your java concurrent program class xxInterfaceFromPeopleSoft, by implementing class JavaConcurrentProgram
4. Navigate to Application Developer responsibility, Register concurrent program executable xxInterfaceFromPeopleSoft of type java
5. Define concurrent program, and in option field enter the CLASSPATH. See the next step carefully.
6. can either change the CLASSPATH of the Oracle Apps environment or you can override the CLASSPATH per
concurrent program. I think the decision will be driven by how many Java Concurrent Programs you plan to develop.
Anyway, in the option field, include the following directories with their absolute path
$ with custom directory where java/jdbc files will be stored.
7. In java concurrent program do this....
Inside main
-->Open JDBC connection to Sql*Server
Note: - You already have a connection object for APPS, given by CpContext.getJDBCConnection()
-->Here lies the beauty, you have now connections to both SQL*Server and Apps in one single program.
-->Get the records into result set.
-->Call the PL/SQL wrapper code, which in turn will use TCA API’s
You can write into Concurrent program log within java concurrent program.
Before I paste a sample java concurrent program, let’s have some important notes:-1. Can I write into log and output of concurrent program, i.e. equivalent FND_FILE? Answer : Yes, you can use logFile.writeln
2. Will I have fnd_global context set in jcp? Answer: Yes, internally the java classes call fnd_global before passing you the connection object.
3. Is java concurrent program stable? Answer : Yes, very stable. I have been using this for 4years to do variety of things, ever since it was released
in 11.5.8.
4. Can I make a Java Concurrent Program end with warning? Answer: Yes you can, by doing CpContext.getReqCompletion.setCompletion(ReqCompletion.WARNING,
5. On which server should the class file be deployed? Answer : On the server where your Concurrent Managers are running, which traditionally is the database
Please find the same java concurrent program for interfacing with pseudo PeopleSoft. The code below contains compiled example for all the above operations.
import java.sql.*; import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement; import oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.* ; import*; import oracle.apps.fnd.util.*;
/** * Demo by Anil Passi for * This class will interface data from a pseudo Peoplsoft SQL Server into APPS */
public class xxInterfaceFromPeopleSoft implements JavaConcurrentProgram { // Application Short Name private String applName;
// Single CUSTOMER Number for which the process is being run private String singleCUSTOMERNumber; private String singleCUSTOMERNumberTemp;
// The order by clause private String orderByClauseSQL;
//File Separator private String mFileSeparator;
// private String mControlFilepath;
// Debug Flag private String mDebugFlag;
// mPeopleSoftServerName fetched from profile private String mPeopleSoftServerName;
//1=Yes, 2=No private String errorsEncounteredFlag ;
CpContext mCtx;
LogFile logFile;
OutFile outFile;
Connection mConn = null;
ReqCompletion lRC;
int mRequestStatus = -1; //uninitialized
//to set the maximum number of records that can be processed int max_number_of_records = 99999999; // long max_number_of_records = 2; public static final String M_SUCCESS = "SUCCESS";
public static final String M_ERROR = "ERROR";
public static final String M_WARNING = "WARNING";
String mProfileValue = " Declare l_value Varchar2(50); " + " BEGIN " + " :1 := FND_PROFILE.VALUE(:2); " + " END;";
String doesErrorExist = " Declare l_value Varchar2(50); " + " BEGIN " + " :1 := xxPeopleSoftInterfacePkg.does_error_exist; " + " END;";
String mLastRunDate = " Declare l_value Varchar2(50); " + " BEGIN " + " :1 := xxPeopleSoftInterfacePkg.get_last_run_date(:2); " + " END;";
String mCaptureIFaceCtrl = " Declare " + " BEGIN " + " xxPeopleSoftInterfacePkg.capture_control_record ; " + " END;";
private void registerControlRecord() { OracleCallableStatement lStmt_ctrl = null; try { logMessage("Inside registerControlRecord()"); lStmt_ctrl = (OracleCallableStatement) mConn .prepareCall(mCaptureIFaceCtrl);
lStmt_ctrl.execute(); lStmt_ctrl.close(); } catch (SQLException s) { logMessage( "In Caputre Trx registering control record: Exception thrown w/ error message: " + s.getMessage(), "Y"); lRC.setCompletion(ReqCompletion.WARNING, M_WARNING); s.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (lStmt_ctrl != null) lStmt_ctrl.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } }
private void logMessage(String str, String lDebugMode) { java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date(); logFile.writeln(now.toString() + ": " + str, LogFile.STATEMENT); }
private void logMessage(String str) { java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date(); logFile.writeln(now.toString() + ": " + str, LogFile.STATEMENT); }
/** * A generic method made to return the profile value of the passed profile * name. */ private String getProfileValue(String profile) { String l_debug_mode = null; OracleCallableStatement lStmt = null;
try { lStmt = (OracleCallableStatement) mConn.prepareCall(mProfileValue); lStmt.setString(2, profile); lStmt.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, 0, 255); lStmt.execute(); l_debug_mode = lStmt.getString(1); lStmt.close();
logMessage("Profile '" + profile + "' Value : " + l_debug_mode, mDebugFlag == null ? "Y" : mDebugFlag);
} catch (SQLException s) { logMessage( "FileLoader.getProfileValue(): Exception thrown w/ error message: " + s.getMessage(), "Y"); lRC.setCompletion(ReqCompletion.WARNING, M_WARNING); s.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (lStmt != null) lStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } return (l_debug_mode); }
private String getErrorFlag() { String l_error_flag = null; OracleCallableStatement lStmt = null;
try { lStmt = (OracleCallableStatement) mConn.prepareCall(doesErrorExist); lStmt.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, 0, 255); lStmt.execute(); l_error_flag = lStmt.getString(1); lStmt.close(); logMessage("Error API Returned '" + "' Value : " + l_error_flag);
} catch (SQLException s) { logMessage( "Exception thrown in getErrorFlag: " + s.getMessage(), "Y"); lRC.setCompletion(ReqCompletion.WARNING, M_WARNING); s.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (lStmt != null) lStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } return (l_error_flag); }
public String getMessage(String appName, String msgName) {
if (mCtx != null && mCtx.getResourceStore() != null) return (mCtx.getResourceStore().getResourceText(appName, msgName)); else return msgName; }
/** * Returns the file separator */ private String getFileSeparator() { return (System.getProperty("file.separator")); }
static Connection con = null; // static Connection oraConn = null;
static String mCaptureCustomer = " Declare " + " BEGIN " + " xxPeopleSoftInterfacePkg.manage_Customer(p_CUSTOMER => :1," + " p_peopleSoft_customer_id => :2, " + " p_deleted => :3, " + " p_name => :4, " + " p_parentCustomerName => :5, " + " p_type_ => :6" + "); " + " END;";
// ####################### Begin manage_Customer ####################### private void manage_Customer ( String p_CUSTOMER , String p_peopleSoft_customer_id , String p_deleted , String p_name , String p_parentCustomerName , String p_type_ ) { String l_debug_mode = null; OracleCallableStatement lStmt = null; logMessage("Fetching data for Customerator CUSTOMER=>" + p_CUSTOMER + " Deletion Flag=>"+ p_deleted);
try { lStmt = (OracleCallableStatement) mConn .prepareCall(mCaptureCustomer); lStmt.setString(1, p_CUSTOMER); lStmt.setString(2, p_peopleSoft_customer_id); lStmt.setString(3, p_deleted); lStmt.setString(4, p_name); lStmt.setString(5, p_parentCustomerName); lStmt.setString(6, p_type_); lStmt.execute(); lStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException s) { logMessage( "In Caputre for CUSTOMER=>" + p_CUSTOMER + " Exception thrown w/ error message: " + s.getMessage(), "Y"); // lRC.setCompletion(ReqCompletion.WARNING, M_WARNING); s.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (lStmt != null) lStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } // ####################### End manage_Customer #######################
public void openConection() { logMessage( "In openConection()"); try { logMessage( "Before Loading Driver"); Class.forName(""); logMessage( "After Loading Driver"); logMessage( "Attempting to connect to " + mPeopleSoftServerName); con = DriverManager .getConnection("jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://" + mPeopleSoftServerName + ":1433;User=pplsoft_apps;Password=guestpeoplesoft"); //Use the default port for PeopleSoft SQL*Server 1433 logMessage( "After con assigned from getConnection(jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://" +
mPeopleSoftServerName + ":1433;User=pplsoft_apps;Password=*****");
} catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) { logMessage("openConection() ClassNotFoundException: " + e); } catch (SQLException ex) { logMessage("openConection() SQLException: " + ex); } }
public void closeSQLServerConnection() { try { logMessage( "In closeSQLServerConnection().......closing JDBC Connection"); if (con != null) { logMessage( "Con is not null"); con.close(); logMessage( "Con Closed Successfully"); } else logMessage( "Connection object was null, hence skipping close"); } catch (SQLException ex) { logMessage("SQLException: " + ex); } catch (Exception ex) { logMessage("Exception in closeSQLServerConnection() : " + ex); } }
/** * Method that returns the date when this interface ran the last time */ private Date getLastRunDate() { String l_debug_mode = null; CallableStatement lStmt = null; Date lastRunDate = null; try { lStmt = (CallableStatement) mConn.prepareCall(mLastRunDate); lStmt.setString(2, singleCUSTOMERNumberTemp); lStmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.DATE); lStmt.execute(); lastRunDate = lStmt.getDate(1); lStmt.close(); logMessage("getLastDate is returning : " + lastRunDate , "Y");
} catch (SQLException s) { logMessage( "getLastRunDate(): Exception thrown w/ error message: " + s.getMessage(), "Y"); lRC.setCompletion(ReqCompletion.WARNING, M_WARNING); s.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (lStmt != null) lStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } return (lastRunDate); }
private void processPeopleSoftCustomerRecords() { int number_of_recs = 0; Date lastRunDate = getLastRunDate(); //############# Begin Customerator ############# try { {
PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT CUSTOMER_NUMBER ,Customer_id ,
deleted_flag ,CustomerName ,Parent_Customer_name FROM pplapps.PeopleSoftCustomerView WHERE
ModifiedWhen >= ?" + singleCUSTOMERNumber + orderByClauseSQL );
ResultSet rst = stmt.executeQuery();
while ( { number_of_recs++; if (number_of_recs == max_number_of_records) break;
manage_Customer( rst.getString(1), rst.getString(2) ,rst.getString(3), rst.getString(4) ,rst.getString(5), "" /*We do not have any value for Customer * Type_ from peoplesoft*/ ); } stmt.close(); rst.close(); } mConn.commit(); } catch (SQLException ex) { logMessage("SQLException: " + ex); } catch (Exception ex) { logMessage("Exception:: " + ex); } closeSQLServerConnection();
/** * Concurrent Processing provides an interface 'JavaConcurrentProgram' with * abstract method runProgram(). * It is within this method that we load the SQL*Server Driver for * TCA Customers. * All the inserts/updates in APPS will be done using various TCA PL/SQL * APIs within xxPeopleSoftInterfacePkg */ public void runProgram(CpContext pCpContext) { applName = "MSC"; String l_file_path = null; String l_msc_top = null; mCtx = pCpContext;
//get handle on request completion object for reporting status lRC = pCpContext.getReqCompletion();
// assign logfile logFile = pCpContext.getLogFile();
// assign outfile outFile = pCpContext.getOutFile();
// get the JDBC connection object mConn = pCpContext.getJDBCConnection();
// assign fileseparator mFileSeparator = getFileSeparator();
//get debug mode mDebugFlag = getProfileValue("XX_ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE");
//get Pubs server name mPeopleSoftServerName = getProfileValue("XX_PEOPLESOFT_SERVER_NAME");
l_file_path = ((new File(outFile.getFileName())).getParent() == null ? "" : (new File(outFile.getFileName())).getParent());
// get parameter list object from CpContext ParameterList lPara = pCpContext.getParameterList(); while(lPara.hasMoreElements()) { NameValueType aNVT = lPara.nextParameter() ; //Currently using only one Parameter, else we need to use aNVT.getName singleCUSTOMERNumber = aNVT.getValue() ; singleCUSTOMERNumberTemp = singleCUSTOMERNumber ; }
if (!(singleCUSTOMERNumber == null || singleCUSTOMERNumber == "")) singleCUSTOMERNumber = " and CUSTOMER = " + singleCUSTOMERNumber ;
orderByClauseSQL = " order by ModifiedWhen, ID " ;
logMessage("singleCUSTOMERNumber=>"+ singleCUSTOMERNumber ); /** openConection() Opens the connection to SQL Server Database*/ openConection() ; logMessage("Before Calling processPeopleSoftCustomerRecords()"); processPeopleSoftCustomerRecords(); logMessage("After Calling processPeopleSoftCustomerRecords()"); logMessage("singleCUSTOMERNumber=>" + singleCUSTOMERNumber ); //The control record will be registered only when the CUSTOMER passed in is NULL if (singleCUSTOMERNumber == null || singleCUSTOMERNumber == "") { logMessage("singleCUSTOMERNumber=>" + singleCUSTOMERNumber ); registerControlRecord() ; } try { // get OutFile object from CpContext OutFile lOF = pCpContext.getOutFile(); errorsEncounteredFlag = getErrorFlag() ; if (errorsEncounteredFlag.equals("1")) setCompletion(ReqCompletion.WARNING, "Request Encountered some errors"); else { outFile.writeln("No Errors Encountered."); setCompletion(ReqCompletion.NORMAL, "Request Completed Normal"); } } catch (Exception e) { setCompletion(ReqCompletion.ERROR, e.toString()); } finally { pCpContext.releaseJDBCConnection(); } } /** * Sets the request completion status based on proper precedence. ERROR > * WARNING > NORMAL * * @param pStatus * Status of the request. * @param pCompletionText * Request's completion text. */ public void setCompletion(int pStatus, String pCompletionText) { if ((pStatus == ReqCompletion.ERROR) || ((pStatus == ReqCompletion.WARNING) && (mRequestStatus != ReqCompletion.ERROR)) || ((pStatus == ReqCompletion.NORMAL) && (mRequestStatus != ReqCompletion.WARNING) &&
(mRequestStatus != ReqCompletion.ERROR))) { mRequestStatus = pStatus; lRC.setCompletion(pStatus, pCompletionText); } } }
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