Friday, November 2, 2018

Script to End Date Responsibility for a User

Script to End Date Responsibility for a User

This script below will get the list of all inactive users and end date all the responsibilities assigned to them.
  --cursor to get all inactive users
  CURSOR cur_inactive_user  
        fnd_user fu,
        fnd_user_resp_groups_direct fd
        fu.user_id = fd.user_id
        and  (fu.end_date <= sysdate or fu.end_date is NOT NULL)
        and fd.end_date is null;
FOR rec_inactive_user IN cur_inactive_user
--checking if the responsibility is assigned to the user
IF (fnd_user_resp_groups_api.assignment_exists
    rec_inactive_user.security_group_id)) then                                                                
    -- Call API to End date the responsibility
     (user_id  => rec_inactive_user.user_id,
      responsibility_id => rec_inactive_user.responsibility_id,
      responsibility_application_id => rec_inactive_user.responsibility_application_id,
      security_group_id =>  rec_inactive_user.security_group_id ,
      start_date => rec_inactive_user.start_date ,
      end_date => rec_inactive_user.end_date,
      description => NULL);      
END LOOP;                  

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