Monday, November 12, 2018

Purchase Requisition(PR) Creation Interface

Purchase Requisition(PR) Creation Interface

Sample Script to create PR:
INSERT INTO po_requisitions_interface_all
                       , source_type_code
                      , destination_type_code, authorization_status
                      , preparer_id, category_id
                      , item_description, quantity
                      , unit_price, charge_account_id
                      , unit_of_measure
                      , suggested_vendor_id
                      , destination_organization_id
                      , deliver_to_location_id
                       , deliver_to_requestor_id
                      , org_id
                      , group_code,
                 VALUES (
                  , ‘VENDOR’
                  , ‘EXPENSE’
                  , 'INCOMPLETE'
                  , 200 --Person ID
                  , 1233  --Category ID
                  , ‘This is test item’  --Item Description
                   , 10 --Quantity
                   ,   100 --Unit Price
                   , 123  --CC_Id
                   , ’Each’
                   , 231 --suggested_vendor_id
                   , 101   --Destination Org ID
                    , 142 --Deliver to location ID
                     , 200 --Person ID
                     , 81 --Org ID
                     , 103 --Group Code --This is to group the requisition lines
Then run Requisition Import program:

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